The Counseling Sessions
Counseling is a process through which the client and the therapist work together to find practical solutions to problems impacting the client. It is hard work that requires commitment, time, and effort in order to be successful. Sessions usually last about an hour and include talk therapy, psycho-educational activities, and homework.
The Diagnosis
Counselors prefer to operate from a perspective of wellness; however, insurance companies and referring agencies often require a diagnosis. A mental health diagnosis becomes part of the client's record.
Fees and Payment
A $120.00 an hour counseling fee is payable at the end of each counseling session if:
1) The client is uninsured,
2) His/her annual deductible has not been met,
3) He/she is filing his/her own insurance claim.
If this office is filing for payment on behalf of the client, his/her usual co-pay is due at the end of each counseling session. The client may be liable for any difference between the amount billed and the amount collected from the insurer, HMO, or third party payer.
Canceling or Rescheduling Appointments
Please give 24 business hours advance notice if an appointment needs to be changed. If a client misses an appointment without notice, he/she will be billed at the regular hourly rate.