Senior Adult Issues
As the daughter of "Greatest Generation" parents, Katherine Therrell watched her mother and father progress through their senior years. Their strength, determination, and fierce independence allowed them to remain in contorl of their lives well into their 80th decade. Because of those same characteristics, however, they would not acknowledge that their bodies and circumstances were changing. They refused offers of help from family and friends. As a result they suffered needless physical and emotional trauma, as well as financial loss. Both eventually developed severe physical and mental disabilities. From the time they became incompetent until they died in 2007, Katherine was responsible for their care.
Aging inevitably brings change. Some changes are good; others are bad. When we accept our changing bodies and circumstances as a natural part of life we have taken an important first step toward maintaining positive mental health. Decisions surrounding any significant change should be made carefully and with as much expertise as possible. At times, change also requires negotiation and compromise. Adjustment to change takes time, patience, and understanding. Katherine Therrell would like to help you and your family make wise decisions and healthy adjustments.
For additional information about issues that impact senior adults, you may click on the following website: